You can add a discussion group chat to the channel, and your subscribers will see a comment button for each post in the channel.
If the signatures are disabled, there is no way for users to know whether a message was posted by the owner or one of the administrators. These signature only mention the name of the administrator and no link to their profile. Q: How do I know who posted a message?Īs the owner of the channel, you can enable admin signatures that users will see next to the view counters. For this reason you may see several views for posts in a private channel where you are alone. After a short while (around 4 days), Telegram will forget that you've seen a post and will count you again if you navigate to it. Please note that these numbers are approximate - we don't want to keep a record for everything you've ever viewed. This way you can see how far it has spread. Views from forwarded copies of your messages are also included in the total count. Q: What does the eye icon mean?Įach post in a channel has a view counter. If they report spam from your account, you may be banned from contacting other people, however good your intentions. Please do not send channel links (or other unsolicited messages) to strangers. If you have a private channel, you can send an invite link to your friends. – you can post this link on social networks, advertise it in magazines, or tattoo it on your back. If it's a public channel, it will have a username and a / link (e.g. Once the subscriber count reaches 200, the channel is on its own. Q: How do I add people to my channel?Īs the channel's owner, you may invite the first 200 subscribers to your channel. If a message is deleted in a channel, it will disappear for all subscribers. You can set up administrator rights for each individual administrator when you appoint them. The owner can also add and remove administators to help manage the channel. The owner of a channel can broadcast messages, delete any messages, add subscribers ( the first 200 only), remove subscribers, change the channel's name, profile image and link, as well as delete the channel completely. Please note that private channels with publicly available invite links will be treated in the same way as public channels, should it come to content disputes. Private channels are closed societies – you need to be added by the owner or get an invite link to join. Anyone can find them in Telegram search and join. Q: How are public and private channels different?
Windows Phone: Tap the ‘+’ button on the bottom bar. Then ‘New Channel’.Īndroid: Tap the circular pencil icon in the chat list. IPhone: Start a new message (tap the icon in the top-right corner in Chats).
If you'd like an example, join our official Telegram channel to get notified about our updates. New subscribers can see the entire message history in a channel once they join. You can appoint additional administrators to help you manage the channel. When you post in a channel, the message is signed with the channel's name and not yours. In fact, channels can have an unlimited number of subscribers.